Every child is important
This booklet explores a number of important topics about children and being a parent. Above all, it gives you a chance to think about children, parenting and how you can give children the sort of experiences you want for them as they grow up.
It will help you answer some of these questions.
- What does it mean to be a child?
- What do we expect of children? Is this realistic?
- What experiences do we want childhood to be about?
- How do we want children to experience adults in their lives?
- How do I want children to experience me?
- What messages are we giving children about their priority in our lives and in our community?
Remember, as adults, we shape our community through the values and attitudes we promote and tolerate. Children'sexperiences influence their relationships, attitudes, beliefs and values.
The experiences we give our children will stay with them forever.
Download the booklet by clicking on the image below.